Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 6, 2007

Well, your Aunt Linda went on a date Saturday night. We went to Chili's for dinner, got to the movie late and it was sold out, so we made a quick choice- didn't pay attention- and really made a bad choice. We sat through the most embarassing movie ever, and didn't have the courage to get up and leave. I am not even going to tell you what it was, but it was AWFUL. We did have a nice visit after the movie, and watched the end of the Rockies baseball game here at home with Richie and Anthony. That was nice. I actually called him this evening and told him how sorry I was that the movie was soooo bad. I told him I thought he should have exercised his Priesthood intuition and got us out of there. (It will be something we will laugh about later I am sure.) This guy's name is Jim. He is my age, grew up in Phoenix, and has six kids and a few grandkids. He lives not too far from January, but I think he probably will move to the eastern slope where some of his kids are this winter, so .... well it is fun right now.

I went to Montrose and picked up Anthony for the weekend, took him back home this afternoon after conference. He sure loves his Uncle Richie. They have a lot of fun together. I think he loves his Gramma Linda too. I love being a Gramma. Maybe Richie will get married some day and give me lots more grandkids. He needs a job everybody. Right now he is doing some construction work with Uncle Frank, but he needs to find a real job- and get out on his own. Keep him in your prayers.

Gramma is having a hard time getting back on her feet after her little heart episode. She had a stent placed a couple of weeks ago (in case you didn't know) and just isn't bouncing back very fast this time. Keep her in your prayers too.

Love you all,

Bye for now,

Aunt Linda


Edwards. said...

Aunt Linda! I am so glad that you are doing a blog, and it looks great! That's exciting that you went on a date, and it sounds like you had a great time...except the movie part. I love you so much and you deserve the best man ever to take care of you and love you! hope he knows how special you are!

Tia said...

Hi! Just found your blog, very nice! Jim sounds like a nice guy, hopefully he doesn't move any time soon. We will keep you all in our prayers! Love you.

Aunt Kim said...

Wow Linda I am impressed with your blog. I just barely figured out how to post! Congratulations on being a great aunt again. Course we always knew you were and are a great aunt!!! Love Kim & Dick